These "exclusive" photos may NOT be used/reproduced without my written permission.Drop me a line for more information.
Total credit for these pics go to JIMI IMIJ. Because of MICHAEL PILMER I could put them on this page. Thanks
to both!

At the World Trade Center in NYC, just after returning from the Nomi show in Akron, Ohio.Probably 1980.Pictured from left
to right: Joey, Klaus, Janis.

Color Xerox given to Jimi Imij in 1979 when he first met Klaus. Photo by Roxanne Lowit.

NYC1981Promo: Promo photo taken in NYC in 1981 given to Jimi Imij just before he moved away from NYC the same year.

KlausCoat: This photo was taken in the late 70's,and given to Nomi's friend, Jimi Imij. Klaus gave the coat he is wearing
to Jimi as a gift.

Klaus Stripes: This photo was supposebly taken by an art student,"Lisa Sizek", as part of a school project. Probably
around 1980.